Posts tagged Love
Community Survey Initiative in Full Swing

After a month of canvassing and phone-banking, we have 80+ responses from Chinatown community members on issues they care about and initiatives they would like to see in their community. About 420 to go before we reach our goal! We are still looking for survey volunteers, so if you are interested in helping us canvass or phonebank, be sure to contact us at

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Summer Community Survey Starts

After a month of canvassing and phone-banking, we have 80+ responses from Chinatown community members on issues they care about and initiatives they would like to see in their community. About 420 to go before we reach our goal! We are still looking for survey volunteers, so if you are interested in helping us phonebank, be sure to contact us at

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Community Language Program

Our Community Language Program is in full swing. We are week 4 into this dual immersion social justice language program that aims to bridge the language barrier between residents of color and their Chinese immigrant neighbors, as well as second generation Chinese Americans and their family members. We have a team of 7 teachers and language leaders, and 32 students. The class has been going great! Cantonese and English students help to teach each other how to shop, write to elected officials, and talk to family in their native tongues-- building community in a time where many need it.

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Chinatown for Black Lives

In late June, we held the first ever march in Chinatown for Black Lives that we know of. This idea was brought to us by local college students. We burned incense, passed out flowers, and chanted in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. Shopkeepers came out of their stores to give us the thumbs up. Black and Chinese residents joined us in our marching. We hope this showed black residents that they are loved, and changed Chinese residents’ perceptions of protests.

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